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Military-Books 14-18 - Antique military history books going digital !
Veröffentlicht von Patrick in Site Information · Mittwoch 04 Dez 2013
Tags: Site

Hello & welcome !

As you all can see a new version of my homepage is online ... It's been 10 years now and this meant definitively a workover !

At first i need to apologize ! There's only an english version available now. German & french versions will follow soon !
(Im Moment ist nur eine englische Version der neuen Homepage online, eine deutsche Version folgt bald)
(En ce moment il y a seulement une version anglais disponible! Une version francais viendra bientot )

A lot of new elements and more to come, here are the most important information. I recommend you read it to get the best help on how to find the books ...

The Information link on the left side is a "blog" style newsreader. There the new releases and previews will be posted
The 2nd hand bookshop Bücher Antiquariat is now added. There i am selling REAL books that can be purchased for (I hope) fair prices. You can of course make your own offers. Maybe we come along !
Purchases now can be done using a "shopping cart system" there you can add the items you like and sent your inquiry. There will be no automated payment system and please don't pay before you get an order confirmation and a total price from me !
The old style "Gesamtübersicht" list is now cut into several categories that can be seen on the left side (1st step ordered by timelines) Until 1914. After 1914 and of course 1. World War. Within these categories more subcategories will appear... if these new categories make you insecure or appear unclear just click on Complete list and you'll have a complete offer list orderd by order number ( like the old list) BUT i recommend to use those new categories!They help you out a lot to find units you're looking for...

Examples how to find the following unit :

Infanterie Regiment Nr. 147 (2. Masurisches) GFM Hindenburg (Friedensgliederung XX Korps , 37 ID)

you can find this regiment by

Books sort by country => Preußen (search the list and find it under 1001)
Books sort by Formation => Friedensformationen => By Corps => Preußen => XX Korps => 37 ID (there you'll also find the regiments that been within the same Division and Corps etc.)
Books sort by Formation => Friedensformationen => By Division => Preußen => 37 ID (there you'll also find the regiments that been within the same Division etc.)
Books sort by book edition => Erinnerungsblätter Preußen (search the list and find it under 1001)
Books sort by unit type => Infanterie Regimenter (search the list and find it under 1001)
Books sort by unit number => 101 - 150 => 147 (search the list and find it under 1001)
Complete List (search the list and find it under 1001)

As you see lots of useful hints on how to find units... just a hint : The (2. Masurisches) IS NOT encoded within the "Books sort by number"

Another hint : for 100 % every book is listed in the Complete list all other categorization is done by me, according to what i know about he book/unit. So not every book is listed in all the according categories mentioned above (but should be in most) If you know more just let me know !

So far the news .. so enjoy the new page and have fun ...

If you have some trouble with the new page version just let me know so i can fix it... you still can sent me your inquiries "old style" be personal mail :-)



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